
Dragon magazine 315
Dragon magazine 315

dragon magazine 315

SUMERIAN Gods: An, Enlil, Enki, Nanna, Ninhursag, Utu, Inanna, Dumuzi, Ereshkigal, Nergal, Namtar Heroes: Gilgamesh, Enkido, Lugulbanda, Ziusudra Monsters: Humbaba, The Scorpion Men Artifacts: The Axe "Might of Heroes", the "Bow of Anshan", the Breastplate "Voice of Heroes". Descriptions are in the abbreviated OD&D style found in Supplement IV: Gods, Demigods, and Heroes.

  • Dragon #016 - D&D Variant: Near-Eastern Mythos, by Jerome Arkenberg (The mythologies of Sumeria, Babylonia, and Canaan.
  • I also had a chance to check the Mesopotamia sources I've got handy. He has been looking for D&D campaigns set in the real-world. I bet Havard is interested in this stuff.

    #Dragon magazine 315 series#

    Is anyone aware of any other articles presenting historical "Real World" settings in the same amount of detail? I'm familiar with the stand-alone products put out by TSR (the HR series: HR1 Vikings, HR2 Charlemagne's Paladins, HR3 Celts, HR4 A Mighty Fortress, HR5 The Glory of Rome, HR6 Age of Heroes, and HR7 The Crusades) and the unfortunately-covered series by Avalanche Press for the 3E line. Dragon #318: Port Royal, sometime between 16.I looked a little further, and found a setting by Shelly Baur, which had the same mixture of historical basis, description/map of the city, a short list of NPCs, and adventure hooks:

    dragon magazine 315

    Each one is intriguing, and makes me want to run a time-hopping campaign in the "Real World." Each article included a brief historical bit, a description of the layout and points of interest in the city, a short cast of NPCs, and adventure hooks. The series was "Cities for the Ages" and it covered several historical real-world cities as D&D settings. While perusing old issues of Dragon magazine for inspiration for my current campaign, I came across an intriguing series of articles by Kenneth Hite.

    Dragon magazine 315